A great icon, a great tutor, a great father... Eventhough he's far away but he will always be close to my heart. Bapa dearest, i love you endlessly... Without you, everything seems to be different.. House looks so big yet empty.. Sigh....
We surely know that you're happy now... Watching us from beyond.. :( Mom is here with us and we will take good care of her....
Pa, nda nah tau cana kan suara kan isi hati nah ani tapi im sure bapa tau... Nada dangan nah kan ckp pasal bapa.. Nda nah mau nangis dapan sesiapa pun apatah lagi dapan babu... Tapi hati nah ani sentiasa menangis.. Apatah lagi babu pa.. Tapi kami redha dengan pemergian bapa.. rinah rela.. babu rela, semua orang pun rela.. Nah akan sentiasa mendoakan bapa... Bapa tah orang yang paling nah sanjungi.... I always wanted to be like you pa and you knew that too... Dulu2 pun bapa slalu cakap rinah cam bapa..... :( I am proud to be the daughter of PG ANAK HASSANUDDIN AL-HAJ BIN PG MUDA SAFIUDDIN....
A day to be remembered forever and ever. Gloomy / sad day for us P.A.H.A.M's family..
Memories will always be there.... our memories together.... Now and then.... Hati nah rasa puas jua saat2 aher bersama bapa... Nah sayang bapa... Love you pa... love you so much.... Al-fatihah....
"Semoga Allah merahmati dan mengampunkn segala dosa2 beliau dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman, amin ya'rabal al'amin."
"Semoga Allah merahmati dan mengampunkn segala dosa2 beliau dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman, amin ya'rabal al'amin."
-- Amin amin ya rabal alamin...
Did we bring anything with us when we came into this world?
Would we take anything with us when we leave this world?
All that we claim to be our's was given to us here!
All that we claim to be our's
belonged to some one else yesterday!
All that we claim to be our's will belong to some one else tomorrow!
Such is life dear rina! Hope these thoughts comfort you. 'TIME' above all philosophies and therapies, is the greatest healer.
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