Alai Haziq : 24th January 08
2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY COUSIN, BABY... Wishing you all the best in life... May happiness and success leads your way.. And mudahan d murah kan rezeki.. Say what Baby.. how old are you again..? hehe getting older huh.. :) Oh your present.. heheh ada i give you nanti k..

Above pictures was taken last night.. we went to Czone gdg.. The cousins and few friends.. We were like maybe more than 15.. We had a great night last night.. No plans of celebrating her birthday buut we just decided to do it.. hahha She was so surprised.. It was also a GOODBYE to BUMS, AZRIN... He's off to work for 3 months? there you go.. we wont see him.. but ya he'll be back.. take care bums.. we'll miss you.. :)
Baby : 25th January 08
3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BELOVED NINI.... My dad's mum.. Too bad this time we are unable to celebrate her birthday pasal she is in Singapore.. Uncle L operation.. So she'll be there for awhile.. Just for the first time after so many years, kami nda celebrate her bday.. Though she hates celebrating her birthday for no reason.. but we know that sbanar nya ia happy.. heheh maklum lah urg tua.. mau seek attention jua.. heheh but ya nini.. we all surely miss you especially today it's your day.. where we get the time to spend with our ONE BIG FAMILY... We love you nini.. Age? i lost count.. hehhe maybe 80plus...
Nini : 26th January 08
4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LIL COUSIN, AALIYAH aka GURL.... I wonder how old she is right now.. She shares the same day with nini.. How lucky.. :) She's stays in KB.. So i don't know if she'll ever come down to bandar anytime soon.. I'm sure she'll have her own party there arah rumah nya.. She's my dad's sister punya anak.. heheh detail eh.. Anyway.. Wishing you all the best and success in your studies gurl.. love you.. :)
Gurl : 26th January 08
5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY COUSIN DAUDAU... Aha.. i also don't know how old he will be.. But whatever it is.. wishing you all the best.. Happiness and wealth and success do leads your way.. Oh ya.. bila kawin? hehe ya i know what's your answer gonna be.. heheh love you dau.. bah apa ada on your birthday? hehehe waiting... :) Oh ya.. you have a gorgeous girl there with you.. keep her safe.. heheh
Daudau : 27th January 08
Gosh... see... what a weekends.. pack with birthdays... hahhaa.. Not mentioning yg semua ani first cousins.. ada lagi yg alum tersebut.. Like ehm.. Dede kali pun punya birthday but i cant remember when. jan marah ye.. early of the month was IKRAMI'S birthday jua.. oh ramai eh ramai.. Last weekend was AQILAH & HAZIM's birthday d lumut.. Oh my oh my....
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