...... Say What??? Boring no updates?? Yes ----> Been so so busy with... ehm... everything lah.. Hari Raya-ing + Sleeping + Outing + Resting ++++ everything.... So here i am, as usual.. Back to Schoolll, ops... I"M JUST BACK... :p
... Haven't upload family pictures yet cos the cable MIA... So payah kan transfer pictures.. But don't worry.. I have a few... atu pun from my frens cameras... heheh but oh well.. at least ada.... Here u go... ani from bb's phone.. thanks to her.. heheh luv u leng.. :)

>>>> 68 & 10 <<<<

>>>> Me & Bazilah <<<<

>>>> Me & Haziqah <<<<

>>>> Me & Bg Mul JR <<<<
... This pictures was taken mlm raya yg ke 7... We went to few houses.. to be exact... 6.... :) I think lah.. heheh Not bad ey... The first day we went baru tah byk... 11 houses from 5pm till 12midnite.. hehehe cool ey.. atu baru nama nya beraya.. Oh well.. Sampai today, alum tah abis bah beraya ah.. ehm.. ntah cana kah nie.. hehhe
>>> Below, pictures from Syl's camera.. Thanks to you babe.. :p muahzz
++++ Alyaa's House ++++
++++ The Undertakers ++++
++++ The GangBangers ++++ (w/out Alyaa)
++++ Just Us ++++
$$$$ MY Heart $$$$
----------> Enuff for today folks.... Soon gi my family's pictures.. The Photo Hoggers.. hahahah
1 comment:
Hello hunny, how've you been? Found your blog arah si Latengz! Kekeke... anyway, Selamat Hari Raya belated...! Just wanted to tell ya... you've been tagged! Follow the link and you'll see how... http://confessionsofaqueenbee.blogspot.com/2007/10/my-7-random-facts.html
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