... Oh well.. Just after Man U's game, we went to Biby & Bg Mul's open house... Ehm... eventhough aher dah but masih jua ramai urg... This is what we did.... :p

.. Aha..... begambar lah apa lagi... heheh thanks to abg kai's mobile ---> Sony Ericsson yg ehm.. i donno model apa tu... But ya.. i just love SE.... Bagus wah.. the pictures tarang n music pun nyaman d dangar.. Oh ya.. nice to c u again... :p
----> Goooooooddddddd Niittteeeee...... Kan tdur na lu k...
ps : Get well soon to my dear friend, Bum, yg sedang damam kuat at the moment.... Jan lupa mkn ubat k.. W/out u, sunyi bah hari ah.. heheh n to Wawa pun... get well soon k... jan lupa mkn ubat selsema atu... N to Kaka n Syl, jan lupa beusai ke BODYSHOP for free... hahahah LOL.. luv u all..
muahhhzzzzz SS68