Monday, July 23, 2007

So Sick... Very Sick...

What a day... sigh...

I'm not feeling well today.. Damam..... Urgh.. i don't like it. I feel very weak. Ehm.. i think the main reason i damam nie cos aher tdur saja n tadi had to wake up very early.. Plus my room mcm fridge.. N yes, my fingers pun malas nie kan takan2 ani... No energy.. Wanna upload photos pun malas.. Esk saja eh... :(

Ok.... big thanks to my dear cuzen AHU.... U rock my blog.. hehehe so so happy... LAWA KAN??? heheh jan jlous ah.. :p I owe u ehem.... heheh kami ja tau tu.. our deal.. Hey, business huh nothing is free nowadays... :p THANKS ONCE AGAIN... (ps: kalau ada kan d add, add aja.. hehehe)


Heavy rain yet i feel like going out... Maybe later with the guys.. Masih be ingus.. urgh.... get well soon na...... :( Udah tah lah... tired + takde mood....

NOT TO FORGET.... HAPPY HAPPY TO MY CUZZY.... LAI EWAN..... I didn't know it's ur bday today.. But whatever it is, have a great day n... how old r u again? hehehe

muahhhhzzz SS68

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