.... Hectic.. Been very busy these past few weeks.. Not with work.. But busy spending time with my Cousins / Aunties / Uncles and also with INDERA FC... I've got no time to crita2 here.. Ntah ah.. Tight schedule.. hehhee
... Oh i just love being with 'The Crowd' again.. Missed them so so much.. :)
Oh well.. It's February now.. Birthdays again..
1. Baby Hazim - 3rd Birthday.. Had a great celebration.. Kami2 saja, takde org lain :).. Well nothing much plang but we enjoyed the BBQ part and as well with the bouncers.. Cali lah.. The kids iski to the max (myself pun)... Love you love you so much lil boy... :)
2. Abg Boy - I don't know how old ia now.. But all i know, i didnt get the chance to wish him a Happy Birthday.. Nanti tah udah ia kawin.. hehe getting married soon but nda tau bila.. Wishing you all the best... :)
3. Baby Bash - Oh my oh my.... This lil giant young lady.. She turned 6... I was unable to contact her.. and finally she popped up d Swenson... heheh Love this girl so much.. our lil giant.. :)
4. Abg Hisham - Happy Birthday to my beloved bro.. He's 36 now.. Wow bg.. you're getting older huh.. :) but age doesnt matter, you look young anyways.. :) Whatever it is.. you're always be loved by me.. :) love you from the bottom of my heart.. muahhzzzz....
5. Aunty Masnah & Uncle Pehin - Husband & Wife... Happy Happy Birthday.. Semoga panjang umur dan d murah kan rezeki.. :) love you both..
6. Alai Nina - Happy Birthday lady.. Wishing you all the best in life and be happy always.. love you girl.. :)
Ok yg lain i dont lagi tu ah.. Ani yg the nearest saja dulu.. hehe don't complain..