CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL INDERA PLAYERS!!! YOU MADE IT HAPPEN!!! I'm so so proud with what u guys did tadi... Not forgetting INDERA'S SUPPORTERS.... Thanks for being there... N yes... THE PLAYERS MADE THE MANAGEMENTS HAPPY / PROUD.... :)
.... Wow Wow Wow.... :) I don't know how to describe how happy i m right now.. Just somehow i wanted a 2nd win for the team... n yes... we did it... That is with all ur hard work / teamwork!!!!!! Let me just post all the happy moments... heheh
.... 2-1 ----> final score between INDERA FC vs SENGKURONG FC... 1st goal by Ak Krol (jersey no.8)... 2nd goal --> penalty kick by Saren Zaini(jersey no.5)..... Then last mins goal by Sengkurong FC....
.... I'm sure by now semua managements / players nyaman tdur nie.. ehhehe N as for me.. mengupdate my blog ani pasal ada players nie kn men check gambar nya d sini.. hahhaha Well.... whatever it is.. once again... CONGRATULATIONS GUYS.....

---> picts above atu before n after game tu.. pandai2 tah meliat... :) <---
Oh ya.. after game.. we went for mkn... unfortunately some of the players nda sampat mkn.. maksud nya.. nda ampit mknan due to kehabisan food.. hehe sorry fad... next time we'll make sure the foods enough for all the players n managemnts too... :)
Anyway guys.. keep up the good work.. Long way to go... Training rajin2 dtg.. Practise makes perfect... N remember... bykkkkkkkk gi games nie after this.. ani baru jua 2nd game.. So be fit n dont get urself injured... To achieve our goals means work harder ya... Don't get too excited yet.. :) I saja excited, players nda bulih.. hehheeh.. Congrats again!!!!